Greatest Traffic Stop Ever

In Jesus find one who sees us in our desperate need and has the power to truly deliver us. Luke 7:11-17

An Expansive Gospel

Jesus demonstrates the expansive nature of the salvation he has come to bring by answering the cries of his disciples as well as the Canaanite woman. Matthew 15:21–28, Mark 7:24–30

Jesus on Mission For Us and With Us

Jesus came to seek and to save lost sinners like Zacchaeus, and like us (Luke 19:10). Jesus makes us new, and calls us to go on mission with him to take this gospel to a lost world. Luke 19:1-10

The Woman at the Well

John 4:1-42

Journey Through the Night

In Nicodemus' encounter with Jesus we find that when we come to Jesus he knows our heart and is able to apply what we need at the deepest level. John 2:23-3:21

Kingdom Inbreakings

Jesus brings life in unexpected ways to unexpected people as harbingers of the full coming of the Kingdom to come. Luke 4:31-44

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