
The anointing of David, a man after God's own heart, foreshadows the anointing of Jesus, as well as our own anointing as disciples of our Lord. 1 Samuel 16

Are You Listening?

When confronted with all the ways we stop short of full heartfelt obedience, our hearts are drawn to hope in the King who always listened. 1 Samuel 15

Unexpected King, Unlikely Deliverance

Our ultimate hope rests in God’s unlikely deliverance through an unexpected King. 1 Samuel 14

Walking Together

In 1 Samuel 12 Samuel reflects on the characteristics of the the relationship between a people and their leadership as they walk together through life.

Chosen. Equipped. For What?

God's providence shapes the lives of his people, supplying their needs and inviting their faithful response. 1 Samuel 9-10

Rejecting God

This chapter helps us see how easy it can be in the midst of legitimate need to settle for God substitutes. I Samuel 8

From Ebenezer to Ebenezer

The Gospel is the good news of how God's people are met at the very point of their failures and experience the deepening presence of God. I Samuel 7

Art Veltman Memorial

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