So Where Are We Now?

Jesus is resurrected, but Thomas still has doubts. In many ways Thomas mirrors the journey for all disciples, including us. Will we confess a resurrected Jesus as our Lord and God? John 20:24-29


Only Jesus has the compassion and the power to heal the blindness of this beggar, a blindness that is symbolic of the the spiritual blindness all disciples must be healed of in order to be transformed into followers of Jesus. Luke 18:35-43

Sharon Denk Memorial Service


Knowing Jesus more deeply is the pursuit of all would be disciples. This pursuit is rewarded with insight and hope in the midst of the deepest trials. Luke 10:38-42

Wait, what just happened?

Jesus meal at Simon's home clarifies the message of the Gospel, for Simon, a sinful woman, and for us all. Luke 7:36-50

In Fear and Trembling

Jesus meets us in our deepest suffering with a tenderness that restores, timing that leaves us baffled, and resurrection power that offers hope beyond the grave. Mark 5:21-43

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