The Glory that Surpasses

Curse Free Zone

Superimposed on the lives of believers is the reality of the coming kingdom whose glories are already, but not yet. Revelation 22:1-5

Christmas Eve 2024

From Welcome to Wasteland

From his baptism Jesus is driven by the Spirit into the wilderness where he faces off with Satan, once again showing us the nature of his mission and a paradigm for our life. Mark 1:1-15

My Beloved

In the baptism of Jesus we see a picture of the whole gospel story as the heavens are torn open and a way is opened between God and humanity.

The Messenger and His Message

You have no more important need than to have a genuine encounter with the real Jesus. Mark 1:2-8

The Beginning of the Gospel

Advent begins as light floods the darkness. Good News for those with ears to hear! Mark 1:1

Caught Not Taught

As Paul closes his letter to Timothy we gain an insight into the secrets behind a life well for the glory of God. 2 Timothy 4:9-22

Now Departing

Death for the believer is not THE end, but rather an end as well as a new beginning. 2 Timothy 4:6-8

Full Body Exercise

Faithful preaching cuts through cultural chaos and redirects our gaze to the truth of our faithfully present God. Are we ready to listen? 2 Timothy 4:1-5

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