One for All. All for One.

The church is Christ's body with all the equipping that is needed to reflect his glory. Ephesians 4:1-16


As we turn toward the application section of Ephesians, Paul seeks to ground his exhortations in the great truths he has been expounding. Ephesians 1-4:1

The King is Dead. Long Live the King!

As Saul's life comes tragically to a close we are given a chance to reflect on life, lament our losses and find solid ground for all of our hopes. I Samuel 31, II Samuel 1:17-27

The Ghost of Prophets Past

When we're faced with the deafening silence of God, it can drive us further into our rebellion or to our knees in repentance and reliance. 1 Samuel 28

Escaping to the Philistines

God's people often find themselves doubting God's plans and turning to their own devises, only to find out that God still pursues them and will strengthen their hearts. I Samuel 27-28:2, 29:1-30:6

Grace Meets Folly

Foolishness is bound up in the heart of men but is undone by the grace of the woman Abigail. 1 Samuel 25

Lessons from the Wilderness

In the midst of our wilderness wanderings God displays his character and invites his servants to learn to trust him. 1 Samuel 24

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