Missions Week: Make Disciples of All Nations In this Adult Sunday School class we hear from a panel featuring representatives from local ministries we support.

Paul and Barnabas speak boldly for the Lord and the gospel is brought to new cities, with many coming to faith, in the midst of much opposition. Acts 14:1-28

Communion with God

In the new covenant administration God's people enjoy amazing and overwhelming privileges. Hebrews 8:7-9:10

At Majesty's Right Hand

The revolutionary priesthood of Jesus opens the way to hope for believers.

Saved to the Uttermost

A mysterious Old Testament priest-king named Melchizedek holds the key to seeing Jesus as our perfect and permanent priest who draws us near to God. Hebrews 7:1-25

An Anchor for the Soul

Because God is a sure and steadfast anchor for the soul, we can cling to God’s promise and live in hope. Hebrews 6:13-20

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