From Ebenezer to Ebenezer

The Gospel is the good news of how God's people are met at the very point of their failures and experience the deepening presence of God. I Samuel 7

Art Veltman Memorial


In I Sam 4-6 we learn to appreciate that we cannot put God in a box, but that ultimately we discover that He is the God we need.

The Silence is Broken

In the midst of a dark time for God’s people, God breaks the silence by establishing his word through the prophet Samuel. 1 Samuel 3:1-21

Out of Barrenness

In the midst of our barrenness we must learn to surrender to the Lord who is working, even if in the shadows. 1 Sam 1:1-20, 2:12-26

w2: Costly Grace

A King for Every Kingdom

The book of Samuel invites followers of Jesus to realize that he is the true King that every heart longs for and to swear fealty to him. 1 Samuel 2:1-10

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