In Fear and Trembling

Jesus meets us in our deepest suffering with a tenderness that restores, timing that leaves us baffled, and resurrection power that offers hope beyond the grave. Mark 5:21-43

Greatest Traffic Stop Ever

In Jesus find one who sees us in our desperate need and has the power to truly deliver us. Luke 7:11-17

An Expansive Gospel

Jesus demonstrates the expansive nature of the salvation he has come to bring by answering the cries of his disciples as well as the Canaanite woman. Matthew 15:21–28, Mark 7:24–30

Jesus on Mission For Us and With Us

Jesus came to seek and to save lost sinners like Zacchaeus, and like us (Luke 19:10). Jesus makes us new, and calls us to go on mission with him to take this gospel to a lost world. Luke 19:1-10

The Woman at the Well

John 4:1-42

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