Covenant Friendship

Covenant Friendship is a bond of love, for the good of the other, at your own expense, because of Christ. 1 Samuel 20

Heaven's Champion

David engages Goliath with both motivation and enablement drawn from the heavenly plane as opposed to the earthly plane. In so doing he not only defeats the giant but he also points us to the Heavenly Champion. 1 Samuel 17


Amos, taken from following the flocks and sent to (and rejected by) Israel, shows us what is required of Christ’s ministers and the kind of gift God graciously gives us in those who preach his word to us. Amos 7:10-17


The anointing of David, a man after God's own heart, foreshadows the anointing of Jesus, as well as our own anointing as disciples of our Lord. 1 Samuel 16

Are You Listening?

When confronted with all the ways we stop short of full heartfelt obedience, our hearts are drawn to hope in the King who always listened. 1 Samuel 15

Unexpected King, Unlikely Deliverance

Our ultimate hope rests in God’s unlikely deliverance through an unexpected King. 1 Samuel 14

Walking Together

In 1 Samuel 12 Samuel reflects on the characteristics of the the relationship between a people and their leadership as they walk together through life.

Chosen. Equipped. For What?

God's providence shapes the lives of his people, supplying their needs and inviting their faithful response. 1 Samuel 9-10

Rejecting God

This chapter helps us see how easy it can be in the midst of legitimate need to settle for God substitutes. I Samuel 8

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