Returning to Rest

Psalm 116 The psalmist exhorts his own soul to return to the rest that his gracious God freely lavishes on his people.

Am I a Good Samaritan?

Luke 10:25-37 The parable of the Good Samaritan is often used to encourage us to be more intentional in caring for our neighbors. This sermon may change your mind about who actually is the neighbor in the story.

The Burning Bush

Exodus 2:23-3:22 In the story of God’s call to Moses, we are reminded that God comes down to meet us in our brokenness and redeem his people.


Ephesians 5:1-2 How do we walk in love? In these short verses, the apostle Paul teaches us the practice of love, the pattern of love, and the power for love.

A Lamp and A Broom

One fruit of a Christ follower is repentance as a lifestyle, continuing to shine light in our dark places.

The Heart of Evangelism

Isaiah 50:4-9 When you don’t feel like sharing the gospel with others, what do you do? Let’s explore what the prophet Isaiah has to tell us.

All Leaves, but No Fruit

Mark 11:12-25 The people of God have a long history of giving the appearance of genuine faith, while lacking the actual "fruit" of being in relationship with Him. How does the gospel of Jesus, and the work of the Spirit in our lives, protect us against this tendency?

We Have This Ministry

II Corinthians 4:1-6 We have this ministry of proclaiming Jesus that is characterized by elements of mercy, truth, and service.

That's Not Fair

Matthew 20:1-16 The unfairness of earth does not undo the purposes of heaven.

Following Jesus

Hebrews 4:14-16; Mark 1:16-20 Jesus both represents and enters into our every day lives by his position as the Great High Priest. The author of Hebrews traces this idea throughout their encouragement to dispersed church undergoing persecution of various kinds. Today we wonder is Jesus really worth following with everything? In this sermon we seek to understand why this is true and how we are to do it.

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