And They're Off

And they're off! We recently have come through Kentucky Derby and the Preakness season and this weekend is the Indy 500. In races of this nature it is common to hear the commentator announce the start with the aforementioned phrase.
I have this phrase on my mind this week with respect to Gracehill and their particularization. As we have announced, this coming Wednesday, we will host a particularization service on behalf of the Great Lakes Presbytery to officially celebrate the fact that in the Lord's providence Gracehill is moving from church plant status to that of it own stand alone church in the PCA. It is a great testimony to the Lord's faithfulness that has stayed with this fledgling church since its conception in 2017. The Lord has navigated this group through ordinary challenges of a church plant along with the extra-ordinary challenges of pastoral changes, location changes and Covid. The Lord has provided for them financially and with local leadership. So they stand now, ready to continue on as a particular church.
Part of the reason the phrase "And they're off!" came to mind is that, like a wedding ceremony, this service is not the end of the road for Gracehill, but rather it is a new beginning. It is our prayer that they will continue as a faithful church well into the future, preaching the word, administering the sacraments, practicing hospitality, drawing hurting, confused and needy people to the sweetness of a relationship with Jesus.
It is to this end that even as we celebrate this milestone with Gracehill, we want to remain committed to church planting. As the American landscape adjusts to in excess of 40 million de-churched people in the last decade, having fresh Gospel centered, grace motivated, well governed churches is essential in inviting people to return to church or to even try it for the first time.
Photo by Fábio Alves on Unsplash