Stewarding Our Gospel Vision

Careful readers of the bulletin may have noticed that, at our most recent meeting, the session agreed to begin the process of looking for a church planter to lead another church planting effort from Christ Church. We are humbled to be able to have this opportunity and excited about what it portends for the future! Having just watched Gracehill particularize, we realize afresh the impact that new churches can have on a community. It is our goal as a Gospel centered church to do all that we can to both nourish those already within and welcome those outside the current fold. This vision presents both challenges and opportunities as we see people drawn to this Gospel vision. Especially with respect to those currently outside the fold, there are multiple things which we must attend to if we are to steward this vision well.
First, as in all things, we must persevere in prayer together. In our public meetings and our private chambers, we must maintain an attitude of humble supplication before the the throne of grace looking to receive from our Heavenly Father wisdom, creativity, patience, selflessness and everything else that is needed to faithfully steward our Gospel vision. Both the opportunities and challenges require creativity and patience that is beyond us.
Second, we must be intentional about welcoming those thirsty for Gospel centered community into Christ Church. Theoretically, this means continuing to invest in ministries that get outside of our local doors. CarePortal, ministries such as Grace's Table, active ministry on college campuses all bring us into contact with those who are outside our current fold. Practically, as people find themselves connecting to Christ Church, this means things like maximizing seating in the sanctuary, looking for creative solutions for classrooms (reorganizing, portables, acquiring property, building expansion), welcoming new people into C-groups, Bible studies, or into our homes for meals. In short making space, both practically and relationally.
A third thing we can do as a church is nurture options for people that are other than Christ Church. People in the GR area are looking for vibrant, Gospel centered churches to be a part of. One way to ensure that these types of churches are available and identified is if we continue to use our resources (leadership, people, finances, etc …) to partner with other Gospel centered churches so that this vision can be easily accessed by all who look for it. This type of partnership could range from shared ministry to shared worship in ways that builds up the greater body. In particular, this could mean being attentive toward supplying needs of congregations that may require assistance in carrying out the Gospel vision. Or, as we decided this past week, nurturing options means that we continue the strategic planting of new congregations through active prayer, planning, equipping of planters, and deployment of teams.
As you can see there is much to hold before the Lord as a community. Stewarding the Gospel vision that the Lord gives us has many facets to it and we have not even touched on other aspects of our stewardship such as global missions or our own internal discipleship efforts. But thanks be to God, He always gives us what we need to accomplish what He requires. Christ Church is filled with people both hungry for the Gospel in their own lives and eager to share with others!
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash