The Path of Blessing

Matthew 5:1-12 Those who know the heart of the King enjoy his blessing. A fact that is not always appreciated by the world.


Matthew 5:1-20 In the sermon on the mount disciples are made privy to a way of life that both honors Jesus as King and brings blessing for those who follow him.

A House for All Peoples

Who belongs in God’s family? Isaiah 56 gives a beautiful and challenging vision for the people of God, joined together through the common experience of his relentless grace.

Mary's Mission (and ours!)

As we come to the end of Mary's recorded story we realize that it is only the beginning of the ongoing story of the mission of her Son, a story in which we find ourselves.

Mary Pierced

As we journey with Mary on her road of discipleship we find that grief is to be expected, yet ultimately Jesus not only bears our grief but he transforms grief to joy.

A Topsy-Turvy Kind of Family

Mary’s experience with family was both typical and extraordinary. She bore the Messiah as a virigin, but with Joseph raised a NT Jewish family to put their hope in God the father, and her son Jesus. That is where the extraordinary comes in. We discuss family, the beauty and brokenness, through praise and lament. Journey with us as we seek a better understanding of family through the life of Mary and Jesus her son, the Son of God.

Mary's Praise

Mary's song is a an explosion of Gospel truth and a prism through which we see God our Savior more clearly.

Mary's Faith

Mary, an ordinary girl from an out of the way place, shows the way to blessing as she surrenders in faith to God's intervention in her life.

Solidarity in the Savior

As Paul concludes his letter to the Philippians he returns to the theme of partnership filling out a beautiful vision for believers one last time.


Paul continues to strive with the Philippians and with us to pursue true unity within the fellowship of believers as something of paramount importance for the broader community and to be nurtured within individual believers.

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