In Your Suffering, Remember...

In the midst of our suffering, we draw strength to endure from being united to our suffering yet risen Savior. 2 Timothy 2:8-13

Patterns and Provisions

While believers are called to pattern their lives to support the call of the Gospel, they are not left without the provisions they will need to endure. 2 Timothy 2:1-7

The Right Stuff

The believer is not only saved, but also equipped with all the resources necessary to live a life faithful and pleasing to their Lord. 2 Timothy 1:8-18

A Holy Calling

How do we hold fast to the holy calling of the gospel in the face of fear, shame, and suffering? 2 Timothy 1:3-11

Stand Firm Son

As we open 2nd Timothy we are invited into a passionate plea from an imprisoned and dying Paul to his spiritual son Timothy to remain rooted in the Gospel truths at all costs. 2 Timothy 1:1-2

Pride and Punishment

As 2 Samuel comes to a close our last look at David shows that pride goes before a fall, but that repentance and humility are the pathway to enjoying God's presence. 2 Samuel 24

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