The Good, Great, True and Only

We live in a world with many different shepherds. Ideologies, beliefs and people who will lead us where they want to. In John 10 Jesus says that I am the good Shepherd. Evoking imagery from ancient near east practices, Jesus makes a remarkable claim as the one true shepherd who will not only lead the sheep to green pastures, but will do this at the cost of his own life. Join us as we look at another one of Jesus' I am statements in the Gospel of John.

The World is Following

Never was there any mission endeavor like the one the Jesus Christ undertook. As rescued disciples of his we are invited to follow his path to glory.

Savior of the World

In healing the officials’s son Jesus demonstrates that he is indeed the Savior of the World and he graciously invites all disciples to a growing life of faith in Him.

A Living Door

As Jesus continues his self-revelation for disciples we see that he is the door to salvation, security and nourishment for all who will follow him.

Meet the Author

Jesus declaration that “before Abraham was, I am” reminds us as characters in the story of which He is the Author we will find our joy in drawing close to him.

Jesus the Light of Life

In John 8 & 9 Jesus says that he is the light of the world. Light plays a theme throughout John's gospel, but what specifically do we learn about Jesus by this statement? What does it mean that Jesus is the light of the world? Jesus shines amidst the darkness that surrounds, reveals beliefs and gives life to those who follow him as the light of life.

For the Hungry: Bread of Life

In statements that are extremely clear yet with meanings unfathomably deep, Jesus proclaims that he alone is the Bread that will give life to hungry people.

What is in a Name?

John’s Gospel comes as a warm invitation to find our rest in Jesus of Nazareth who is the divine Son of God come to rescue a people in accordance with OT promises.

God's Story, Our Role

Have you ever wondered how the incarnation, the birth of Jesus who became our King impacts your daily life? An event that happened so long ago reverberates into the fabric of how we live at home, work and how we go into the world. Through Luke 2:10 we learn how the arrival of Jesus changes the narrative for our lives and for the life of the world.

After Darkness, Light

We live amidst a dark world, but hope has dawned in Christ. Will you live as if to wait for Him?

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