Reaping the Whirlwind

In 2 Kings 9&10 we see God execute the justice that is in his heart through Jehu. Though these chapters are bloody and in the end Jeu proves unfaithful we learn important things about our God who does not forget injustice done to his people nor does he let the guilty go unpunished.

Listening to Hear

The Sovereignty of God is again on display as God deals with his people and the kingdoms of this world. This is a sovereignty that calls all to bow before him as we see both his compassion and his judgment.

Let's Go To the House

God’s covenant children have responded in worship in the old covenant, the new covenant, and will in the new heavens and earth because of the security we have in Jesus.

Grace from Thin Air

The Word of the Lord once again is proved powerful both in judgement as well as in abundant grace. As Elisha interacts with kings, officials, servants and lepers we see the power of the word to change hearts and lives.

Surprised with Feasting

In 2 Kings 6:8-23 we see Elisha and his servant in what any of would consider a fearful situation. The servant responds as most of us would do, in fear, while Elisha shows us what it is like to live a life where our fears are met and transformed by an all powerful God!

As Elisha encounters the ordinary challenges of life with the sons of the prophets, we are reminded that not only is nothing too big for God, but also that nothing is too small. Along the way we are reminded of truths about God, Christ, and our lives that will help us be the resilient disciples God has made us to be.

The Laughter of Faith

God changes our laughter of unbelief into laughter of amazement and gratitude.

A Needy Congregation

In 2 Kings 4 we meet a broad spectrum of God’s people dealing with a broad spectrum of needs. Yet through Elisha we meet one God who consistently meets the needs of His people, even at great cost to Himself.

On this episode of Following Jesus with Christ Church, pastors Andrew Vandermaas and Addison Hawkins talk with the Regional Director for Campus Outreach West Michigan. During this episode we learn about the heart of Campus Outreach and their desire to see the gospel of grace through Jesus Christ reach thousands of young lives during their college years.

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