City to City Asia

"...our desire is to facilitate a church planting movement in the metropolitan Boston area and in major cities throughout the world." Presentation and discussion led by Dr. Stephen Um, Senior Pastor, City Life Church, Boston, associate director of the City to City project out of Redeemer Church, NYC and author of The Kingdom of God, Why Cities Matter.

The Object of Our Faith

The object of our faith who is faithful to his promise for the growth of the global church.

Entrepreneurial Missions

Christians have always been involved in helping the poor through charity, giving, and service. No country ever became wealthy and self-sufficient through foreign assistance—public or private. In the long run, sustainable supplies of food, clean water, health, and education are created by local wealth-creating economies integrated into interdependent networks. Presentation by Dan Church, member and teacher for Acton Institute.

The Urban Mission of the Church

Jesus’ “seeing” helps us gain a new vision for our city so that we in turn may point people to Jesus.

Short Term Missions

What I learned about myself, my country, other cultures, and God’s work in the world from my short term missions experience. Panel Discussion moderated by Addison Hawkins

Beholding and Unfolding His Glory

Declare His glory among the nations!

How to Soar Through a Bad Year

Christmas Comes So Unexpected

Unexpected person, unexpected path, and unexpected provision

Eyes or Ears?

Living by the eye or living by the ear?

A Man with No Demons

The scene Jesus entered. The scene Jesus left. The scene that we enter into.
