Reasons to Trust

God’s faithfulness demonstrated through time, in difficult circumstances and despite our sin, gives us reason to trust God with every part of our lives. II Samuel 5

The Story of Us

For those who have ears to hear, the stories of the Scripture tell us a lot about ourselves. As David's struggle for the kingship of Israel ensues we see both the stumbling blocks that will undo us and firm foundations to build on as we seek the path of King Jesus. II Samuel 3: 1-11, 26-39; 4:1, 5-12

Thread of Providence

As David is crowned in Hebron we discover with him, that we best grasp the thread of providence when we keep inquiring of the Lord and are not surprised by opposition. 2 Samuel 2

A Word Concerning Leaders

As Hebrews closes out the congregation is encouraged to remember and pray for those that God has given to them as leaders, equipped with the grace of our Great Leader. Hebrews 13:7-25

Outside the Camp

It is as we follow Jesus outside of the gate that we truly find life and experience the transforming power of the Gospel even in the midst of the challenges of this world. Hebrews 13:7-21


Because of the finished work of Christ, believers, even in the midst of a chaotic world, have confidence to live lives that bear the fruit of the Gospel. Hebrews 12:25-13:6

Non-Virtual Reality

Given eyes to see, believers navigate the trials of this world through the strength obtained in the promises of the next. Hebrews 12:18-24

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