Paul and Barnabas speak boldly for the Lord and the gospel is brought to new cities, with many coming to faith, in the midst of much opposition. Acts 14:1-28

Communion with God

In the new covenant administration God's people enjoy amazing and overwhelming privileges. Hebrews 8:7-9:10

At Majesty's Right Hand

The revolutionary priesthood of Jesus opens the way to hope for believers.

Saved to the Uttermost

A mysterious Old Testament priest-king named Melchizedek holds the key to seeing Jesus as our perfect and permanent priest who draws us near to God. Hebrews 7:1-25

An Anchor for the Soul

Because God is a sure and steadfast anchor for the soul, we can cling to God’s promise and live in hope. Hebrews 6:13-20

Wilma Greening Funeral

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