
To counteract the curse of death for all humanity, Jesus dies once in order to bring new life. Hebrews 9:23-28

God speaks his promises clearly in the gospel of Jesus. How should we listen and respond?

The Coming of Good Things

The High Priestly work of Jesus not only delivers believers from their bloodguilt into newness of life, but renews and reunifies the cosmos and transforms believers to be priests to this renewed world. Hebrews 9:11-22

To Change the World

We all long for our broken world to be restored and made new. God promises to fulfill this hope through the proclamation of the gospel to the nations. Isaiah 2:1-5

Missions Week: Make Disciples of All Nations In this Adult Sunday School class we hear from a panel featuring representatives from local ministries we support.

Paul and Barnabas speak boldly for the Lord and the gospel is brought to new cities, with many coming to faith, in the midst of much opposition. Acts 14:1-28

Communion with God

In the new covenant administration God's people enjoy amazing and overwhelming privileges. Hebrews 8:7-9:10

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