In light of the Gospel, that Jesus is the Saving King, Paul encourages the Christians of the day, and us that we must love without hypocrisy; with genuine affections for image bearers of God, especially those inside the household of faith. This love is tangible, it's sacrificial, it's costly and it's our strength against evil.
Romans is a call to subversive generosity, hospitality, and grace-filled living in the face of an empire that would coerce conformity to ITS image. Our call is based on and powered by the renewing mercies of God which he has lavished on us without merit on our part.
Carrying on in the work of the gospel with great joy because of the confidence we have that He who began this good work will carry it on to the day of completion.
On this episode of Following Jesus with Christ Church, pastors Andrew Vandermaas and Addison Hawkins talk with David Hopson. David and his family spent time as missionaries in Albania and Macedonia and upon their return to the states David has pursued a career in the police force. David, Andrew and Addison talk about their story, the ups and downs of 2020 and David's perspective as a police officer during this time. Stay tuned.
We come to the end of Elisha’s life and the end of this prophetic era. But we find that like our continuing story of the grace the end is not the end, but the story goes on to a wonderful conclusion. Though the question remains, will we lay hold of the promises.
In 2 Kings 9&10 we see God execute the justice that is in his heart through Jehu. Though these chapters are bloody and in the end Jeu proves unfaithful we learn important things about our God who does not forget injustice done to his people nor does he let the guilty go unpunished.
The Sovereignty of God is again on display as God deals with his people and the kingdoms of this world. This is a sovereignty that calls all to bow before him as we see both his compassion and his judgment.
God’s covenant children have responded in worship in the old covenant, the new covenant, and will in the new heavens and earth because of the security we have in Jesus.
The Word of the Lord once again is proved powerful both in judgement as well as in abundant grace. As Elisha interacts with kings, officials, servants and lepers we see the power of the word to change hearts and lives.