The Woman at the Well

John 4:1-42

Journey Through the Night

In Nicodemus' encounter with Jesus we find that when we come to Jesus he knows our heart and is able to apply what we need at the deepest level. John 2:23-3:21

Kingdom Inbreakings

Jesus brings life in unexpected ways to unexpected people as harbingers of the full coming of the Kingdom to come. Luke 4:31-44

From Frugality to Feasting

Like many of us, Matthew was intently involved in his own business when the call of Jesus came into his life. But when he looked up from his ledgers he found someone immensely worthy of following. Matt 9:9–17; Mark 2:13–17; Luke 5:27–38

Jesus, as the long awaited Messiah, draws people through his compassion, healing power, and authoritative teaching. His ministry poses the enduring question, "Will we follow him?" Matthew 5:12-25

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