A Melody of Love

John 13:31-35 As Jesus enters into his final days he begins to tell the disciples some important last words. He starts by encouraging them to follow a new commandment, namely to love one another as Jesus has loved them. Jesus' final days are filled with melodies of love built off of this short passage. We explore the new commandment and its implications for our lives.

The Voice of the Lord

Psalm 29:1-11 The voice of the Lord has the power to make us alive in Christ.

Response for Suffering

Job 41:1-14, 42:1-6 As we turn to God and ask 'why?' in our suffering, we find comfort in his sovereign arms.

Life Together

Hebrews 10:19-25 Jesus is the way to the Father, the source of powerful promises, and the motivation we need to spur one another on to love and good works.

Behold and Proclaim

II Corinthians 4:1-6 Our very mission of proclaiming Jesus is activated by our beholding Jesus, our very heart.

The Easter Rock

Matthew 7:21-29 Jesus' invitation for prospective followers to build their house on the Rock coincides with the Easter declaration of resurrection as the stone is rolled away!

The Narrows

Matthew 7:13-20 As Jesus draws to the close of this Sermon for Life he lays before his listeners a choice that will result in life or in destruction along with a gracious invitation to find their Way in him.

Matthew 7:1-12 Jesus calls his followers to be gracious and discerning in our interactions with one another and reminds us to let God be God.

Why Worry?

Matthew 6:25-34 Jesus helps his followers see that to trust him is to find fresh freedom in dealing with the cares of this world.

A combined class for all high schoolers and adults exploring and unpacking what healthy relationships look like in the family of God. We'll provide some roadmaps for bringing truth and love more intentionally into our relationships and consider some of the warning signs in unhealthy relationships.

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