No Place Like Home

"The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath."
Mark 2:27-28
In your travels do you find your thoughts turn toward home? Just a few weeks ago we left Grand Rapids to spend a sweet time with our kids and grandkids at Christmas. Even then, at the end of that week hearts were turning towards home. Invariably, as we near the end of our journeys, near or far, there's a readiness to return to the rest and familiar comforts of the friends, family and routines we call home.
When traveling at a distance nowadays it's an easy thing to grab your phone and find an English speaking international church. In worshipping and communing with our global brothers and sisters God gives us a glimpse of his greater work and the breadth of his love. For a few hours were home.
Our Mom, now 94 and with vision and hearing mostly gone, is approaching the end of her journey here and is waiting and longing to see the face of her Savior and the dawn of her forever Sabbath. Psalms, hymns and the gospel stories cause her to draw closer and her eyes to brighten. She's ready.
All this said to remind us that our gracious God gives us these longings. He reminds us that we're not home yet -- that he's got something better in store -- BETTER BY FAR. Until then he gives us Sabbath, a weekly break in our journeys to hear of his pursuing love for you and me; to be told and reminded of the sure hope we're given as we trust in Jesus and his finished work; and to bring us together as brothers and sisters to praise him and to experience a taste of the rest only he can give.
So thankful to be a part of this family here at Christ Church where we are encouraged to run our race with eyes fixed on Jesus.
Photo by Kevin Mueller on Unsplash