Seeing Christ in Others

Does it ever make you feel awkward to give other people genuine, heartfelt compliments that go beyond surface level? We’re often afraid that it would come across as cheesy, or brown-nosing, or that it might lead the person to become prideful. But what if there was a way to compliment others that actually was glorifying to God?
For the last few weeks I have been taking a continuing education class on pastoral counseling. A recent assignment was to take time to tell others how you see Christ at work in them. This is actually something I’ve been trying to do for a few years (with ebbs and flows in how often I think to do it) ever since I read the book Practicing Affirmation by Sam Crabtree. In it, he argues that praising others is actually a way of affirming the work that God has done and is doing in their lives. For many of us this is a massive paradigm shift that opens the floodgates to seeing Christ in others.
As you begin to go on a grace-hunt in the lives of others, you’ll not only grow in your gratitude for how God is at work, but you can use your words to encourage others who may be so stuck in a difficult season that they don’t see Christ at work in their lives in all the ways that you do.
Another thing to remember is that it works both ways: instead of starting with something about God and finding it in others, you can start with something you see in others (their creativity, their hospitality, their compassion) and be reminded that those things are reflections of God’s character. You can even encourage people who don’t yet follow Jesus because the common grace things you see in them come from them being image bearers of God.
So give it a try this week! Find someone you know, look for ways you see Christ at work in them (or things about them you appreciate and see how they connect with God’s character and work), and tell them. You can write them a note or tell them in person. You can include Scripture or keep it short and sweet. Just start with “I see Christ at work in you when you _____” or “The way you do ____ reminds me of ____ about God’s character.” And pray that it may even open the door to further conversations!