Heading Back to Campus

We got some school supply shopping lists the other day. Not sure about you, but I can see the summer slipping by and the fall creeping up on us. Soon lots of folks will be getting into rhythms around school and education. Some of those folks are college students. As many of you know we have become the Hub church for Campus Outreach West Michigan. Regional Director Kenny Hayes has been coming to staff meetings at Christ Church for the past year and just recently we had them in town to host some of their staff training. Here is some of that experience from Kenny's perspective, as well as some prayer requests:
As the Campus Outreach Team is gearing up for the new year, they spent two weeks in training with both our pastors and other Campus Outreach staff from Minneapolis and Minnesota. Sam and husband Paul Poteat shared from their experience of pioneering a new Campus Outreach region 17 years ago and their encouragement was a huge wind in our sails. The time spent with Pastor Andrew and Pastor Addison was likewise sharpening for clarifying our vision for ministry in West Michigan. They both informed the CO team on the typical west Michigan student, the culture at large, and spent time dreaming for the next 7 years. In addition to training, the Christ Church staff broke bread with the CO families and a family opened their home for a day of fun and bonding; not to mention we witnessed one unnamed pastor on the slalom skis! Last, a big thanks is due to the several Christ Church families who hosted each of the Campus Outreach staff couples. We could not have made this important time possible without you.
Here are some prayer request for our team:
- Team unity. We are embarking on this adventure as a new team, please pray that God would knit us together.
- Our marriages and families. All of us have moved from Illinois, some recently and others a few months back.
- An accurate understanding of the student body and campus dynamics on Western Michigan. This will help us reach students for Christ.
- That students hearts will be softened to the gospel of Christ before they even meet us on campus.
- The relationships we have with some faculty and coaches at Western Michigan would flourish and grow over time.
- That the relationships with students in Greek life and athletics will continue to be fruitful and expand throughout the semesters.
- Ultimately that God would be glorified through our work.
Let's join in praying for and lifting up Kenny & Laura Hayes, Xavier & Tia Torres, Chase and Jess Smith, (Sam & Paul Poteat), Jeff & Stephanie Beckett and their families, not to mention the many students they will meet over the coming months.