Experiencing Christ Church

Gate of the Year
And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:
“Give me a light that I many tread safely into the unknown.”
And he replied:
“Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God.
That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.”
So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night.
And He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day…
~Minnie Haskins (1908)
I’ll share a bit of my journey in hopes that it sheds some light on how much God has been at work in this Holy place.
In the early years of Christ church we changed locations 3 times…always the beauty of creation before us as we enter the sanctuary.
The Truth of the gospel has remained strong and transformed many lives! We started out as a group of 10-25 people who were attracted to Reformed theology and a Presbyterian form of government. The Reformation of the 16th century gave us a Scottish tradition of having bagpipers lead us into this Breton Rd building. As with any large family, we have had ups and downs to endure, times when intense prayer has been needed, but God has been continually teaching us the importance of forgiveness, the glory of redemption and powerful lessons through our differences. Knowing the value of committed Pastors, Elders, Deacons, and many prayer warriors have taught us that we have advocates and accountability through which every family grows, right?
Have you ever noticed the bright red stool that the music- makers sit on or use for Coffee House? (I hope we always keep it!) It’s a remembrance of the early days when an interim pastor would pull up that exact stool after the worship service, meet with us in a casual room so we could freely ask questions about the sermon, examine developing faith…seeing God’s personal care of us. For me that red stool is a reminder of how the Word was preached / taught to our church in a more casual manner through the Swiss theologian Francis Schaefer several times. And have you noticed the baptismal bowl always present in the front of the church? Since close to the beginning of our church all baptisms have been from that same bowl. Therefore, the stool and the bowl have reminders of the two sacraments ~ the Word and Baptism.
Years have passed, but I do recall first walking into a very welcoming Christ Church. In a short time Bert Froysland, with his matchmaking skills, introduced me to the guy with whom I would spend over 50 years!
This guy was Norm,…..raised in a Christian family on a farm, becoming an Elder for over 40 years, enjoying being Director of Congregational Care in our church as his favorite career. He was an educator at Ottawa Hills HS and GR Community college. He coached Tennis and was an avid skier and sailor.
He went to Heaven 4 years ago and is deeply missed by my family and most everyone who knew him. His Godly wisdom, humor, listening skills and friendships were wonderful gifts.
My story was different in that I lived in a nominal Christian home, enjoyed college life to the fullest, being in a sorority at Bowling Green U. , transferred to MSU, and changed my major 3 times, wondering what I was doing! What was my purpose?
I then saw a dramatic change in a girlfriend’s life which was intriguing to me. I was asked if I knew that God loved me and had a plan for my life? That was THE epiphany moment! I prayed to accept Jesus as my Savior while sitting in a college drugstore. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, my life was totally turned around. I found a personal relationship with Jesus! I chose Social work as a career, enjoyed being a Probation Officer in Lansing, and then moved to GR for 35 years at Wedgwood Christian Services.
I'm telling you this history because that was the backdrop of God’s intervention in our Christ Church story.
Our wedding day in 1968 was marked with tragedy and eventual triumph! The day started with a major tornado which prevented several friends from coming. We did get married early afternoon and the sun came out. While off on a honeymoon, the hubcap flew off and a water hose broke on a fairly new car. We stopped for repairs late at night. Next, a car of teenagers crossed the median and totaled our car. There were 2 ambulance trips (long story) to a hospital, my concussion, Norm’s broken hand, 2 injured knees which resulted in no car and no honeymoon. Our story made the Press in Findlay Ohio! We were driven back to Grand Rapids, suddenly braked and missed being hit by a speeding train which re-broke Norm’s hand and sent us back to the hospital.
We decided that God must not want us to be married! Or was the enemy totally discouraging us?! We called the pastor, sat on his front porch for advice. He opened the scripture to James 1, "Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” This Truth turned our hearts away from fear and we decided God must want us to be married!
This was the beginning of many spiritual lessons. We quickly learned DEPENDENCE on Jesus, not on our own perspective or strength. I became the pessimist and Norm was the optimist. Neither one of us were wise in that respect. It was not our wisdom to depend on. Would it be a lesson needing repeated? Absolutely!
Christ Church was literally on their knees in prayer for us during our first three years due to serious illnesses, trips to Mayo clinic, Ann Arbor, 2 adoption stories filled with joy and pain, among other losses. The greatest challenge was Norm’s Alzheimer’s disease of 9 years which finally took the love of my life to Heaven. We were allowed to have him at home by God’s grace. That is when this current Christ Church really battled with us. Dementia is a sad disease and during covid there are no hugs or people feeling free to visit. A signature moment in my faith was while sitting on the sofa at home and in desperation saying to God, "I can’t do this hard journey." I heard his gentle words clearly say "You can do it." I knew He meant, "in His strength, not mine!." I must tell you that from that moment on, I met Jesus in a DEPENDENCE that is a forever memory. My beloved Savior gave me a love for Norm that was beyond description. Even when the seemingly worst things happen, God will make a way and make it well. He knows what is best. I recently experienced breast cancer and am doing fine. I do know Who my strength is in every journey!
This letter seems quite negative, however there ARE more joys than sorrow. All of these challenges have been under the watchful care of a community of Christ Church believers who prayed, brought meals, shared verses at the perfect time, brought Cheryl’s cookies and friendships that have been offered with deep love. It took a team of love from church friends, my family, and again, a DEPENDENCE on the God who loves me. I have 2 daughters, 2 son-in-laws and an adopted son who have traveled this path with me.
I’m mainly recounting medical journeys while being at our church, but there were also emotional adjustments and fears of the unknown. After working with “troubled teens” and talking to the parents who had No church in their lives. I would reflect on the blessing of having our church as a haven of support and spiritual wisdom through anything you or I encounter.
I say in humility that Norm and I were blessed to lead many C-groups at church through all the years. I highly recommmend you consider joining one in a church of our size. What a wonderful avenue of developing relationships with more intimate connections… sharing/listening/ caring/ supporting/praying. I’m encouraging you to benefit and to contribute.
I love that our church has an increase in babies, toddlers, youth, teens, college age, young adults, and senior citizens— each hearing the Word in exciting worship. We have spirit led teachers for every age group. A prime blessing is seeing Susan‘s gifts of our Worship. Praise comes forth when she discovers new gifts in blossoming young folks and experienced musicians together. We see the highest Praise to our Holy God. Then the drum roll…. we watch excited joyful children run to the front to join in the chorus!!!
I love Christ Church. I know the presence of the Lord is in this place and am thrilled that so many Believers and those questioning Faith can feel welcomed. We are taught Forgiveness, that Jesus Redeems us, and that He sets us upon the High places and in the Valleys to see Him more clearly and to touch one another on our pilgrim journey! To God be the glory!