Praise the Lord

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord
~ Psalm 150:6
For the last three years I have been a part of an auditioned choir at NorthPointe Christian High School that sings in churches during the year in preparation for our spring break mission trip. This past spring break we had the privilege of traveling to the beautiful state of Alaska. Our mission is not like many others. Other groups may go to serve the people of an afflicted area by actions and rebuilding, but we serve by singing to those who need to hear the good news. Who needs to hear the good news? Everyone. We led worship in churches, nursing homes, drug and rehab centers, schools, and for families in times of need. As in Psalm 150, we praised the Lord with our voice and spread good news to all those we encountered.
The Psalm also says “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” Nature breathes the praise of the Lord. God has created an intricate world with signs that point to his existence. This is natural revelation, and in Alaska, there is nature everywhere! It's hard to believe that there are those who look at the mountains and rivers and sky and think all of this happened by accident. As our choir traveled the gorgeous state, the same thought ran through our minds. How great is our Lord! The mighty mountains, the lowly valleys, and the vast heavens sang His praise. On our last night on the Kenai peninsula, we were fortunate to see the Aurora Borealis (Northern lights). It was as though God knew His creation sings His praise, so He made the skies dance too!
Singing and music are not the only ways to praise God. In everything we do, we praise Him. That is doing everything according to His good will. As we go through our daily lives, with all the ups and downs, let’s remember that we are doing so with the breath He gave us, and that is praise worthy enough!
Photo by Vincent Ledvina on Unsplash