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A Feast to Enjoy!

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Welcome to Labor Day weekend!  We won't talk about how Labor Day in many ways signals the end of summer or how we come out of Labor Day full steam into the fall schedule.  Rather, we will  focus on enjoying this last ode to a beautiful summer; to grilling and gathering, to fellowship and feasting.

This week we begin our fall series in Ephesians. We will be looking at chapters 1-3 and calling it “A Feast to Enjoy”. Working through the first 3 chapters of Ephesians is like pulling up to a table laden with delicacies. Deep truths about God, his Beloved, his plan and his people are sure to tantalize the fussiest of pallets, satisfy the deepest hungers and fortify muscle and bone for the tasks of this day and all those to come. Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones has this to say about Ephesians: There are statements and passages in this Epistle which really baffle description. The great Apostle piles epithet upon epithet, adjective upon adjective, and still he cannot express himself adequately ... the apostle is carried out above and beyond himself, and loses and abandons himself in a great outburst of worship and praise and thanksgiving. ... there is nothing more sublime in the whole range of Scripture than this Epistle to the Ephesians (God’s Ultimate Purpose: An Exposition of Ephesians 1 pg. 12).

I hope that you are looking forward to digging in. I would encourage you to take 15 minutes or so and read through the book before coming to worship this Sunday. Also, if you haven't alreadyy, sign up for our daily devotional reflections as an aid to continue meditation on the word of God. We will be using excerpts from Lloyd-Jones commentary with reflection questions and prayers provided by Christ Church members. 



