Staying Human

Many of you have played around with, or are perhaps actively using some of the AI (artificial intelligence) applications that are becoming more and more prevalent. Personally, I have not used any of the platforms such as ChatGPT or any of the helper buttons on Google or otherwise. However, one of our fellow congregants recently played around with ChatGPT and asked it to write a Friday Letter with the theme of Christian freedom in light of Independence Day. He also fed ChatGPT a few of my previous Friday Letters and asked it to write in the same style. Honestly, I was a little shocked and more than a little weirded out by the quality that was produced.
I have been thinking a fair bit about AI and have read and listened to a variety of folks wrestling with the ethics of AI, what we gain with AI, what we lose with it, etc... In this case, I was struck by how much the letter sounded like me, but yet wasn't me. Honestly, I had a moment of thinking how much easier my life could be if I utilized such tools. But at the same time I knew that it would come at a cost. Believe it or not, writing these Friday Letters is a labor of love. While some are more in depth, coherent, logical or interesting, they all are done with you in mind. They flow from our life together, hallway conversations, interactions over books or basketball. Why this letter on AI? Because we have been talking about it.
I don't have all the answers, maybe not even many of the answers. But let's keep asking the questions. Let us not make the mistake of many who assume that just because we can do a thing, we should. But most of all let's stay human together!
The Bible keeps it real when it comes to the humans in its story. This week, we see David at a high point, showing compassion and his own covenant keeping love to his good friend Jonathan's son in 2 Samuel 9. David's was a costly love, reminiscent of the love of Christ. I look forward to Michael's exposition of this text, just as I -- the person -- look forward to seeing you!
Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash