IYKYK. I’ve pondered these letters on my friends' and family’s social media posts and in my news feeds. DO I know what they’re talking about? Do I want to know?
According to artificial intelligence, “IYKYK is an abbreviation for if you know, you know. It's a slang term that's often used in social media posts and as a hashtag to reference an inside joke or shared experience for a specific group, like a fandom.” It projects feelings of exclusivity and makes it obvious who is in or out of the joke/experience/knowledge base.
I experience this with my friends at work–the bonds that are formed as we navigate hours spent alongside each other, for better or worse. How we seem to relish the stories of the absurd, stressful, outrageous, and hilarious things we have gone through together. Just this week, for reasons not clear to me, we completed a personality quiz that informed us of what kind of vegetable we are. IYKYK
Sometimes I get to assist in leading worship. Getting together on a Tuesday evening, singing and playing and praying. Practicing the songs throughout the week. Feeling the sleep in our eyes as we gather at 7:30 on Sunday morning. The songs become stamped in our minds and hearts. IYKYK
Last week, Andrew spoke about David and his band of brothers. I imagine they had their share of stories around the campfire. “Remember when we crossed enemy lines to get the king a drink of water?” “Remember when Eleazar took out the Philistines and his hand was so tired he couldn't let go of his sword?” “Remember when JB took out 800 at one time? IYKYK
As we have come to understand through the stories of King David, we are part of a larger story that is both precious and expansive. We are invited in closer to come to know the things we do not know. We are never left out as outsiders. We are invited to know THE king. To understand and believe. To share the stories of our humiliating losses and hard-won gains. We will be granted courage by the most courageous one. That’s reassuring to me because sometimes I feel really scared.