I've Got Nothing.... But Jesus is Everything

This morning I opened up my computer to try for the hundredth time to write the Friday letter. I wanted to say something great, something eloquent, something meaningful and wise. The screen was blank, and I realized my heart and mind were feeling pretty blank, too.
Arts & Rec starts this coming Tuesday evening, and with all the preparations and busyness, it would seem that my mind would be overflowing with thoughts and ideas. So how is it that I’ve got nothing?
That’s really all I’ve got. A whole lot of nothing.
Then it occurred to me that there is something oddly great about “a whole lot of nothing.” In God’s economy, that’s precisely what is required of me. “Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to the cross I cling.” So I write to you from a place of emptiness, clinging to the cross, trusting in God to fill me up, and trusting in God to fill you up as well.
So today I want to point you to Jesus.
That’s it.
And that’s everything.
Sunday’s coming! And because of Jesus, we can fully hope and expect to be encouraged and filled up by his Word and his Spirit, and through the fellowship of God’s people as we worship him together.
Arts & Rec is coming! And because of Jesus, we have every reason to hope and expect to be encouraged and filled up by gathering there, too.
Everyone, both on Sunday and at camp, will be arriving with different needs and in different places in their walk with Jesus. Our church will be filled with people who together are looking to Jesus, our God of endurance and encouragement, who helps us live in harmony with one another and thereby glorify him together with one voice.
Romans 15:5-7 May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.
Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash