Tonight is our Bones camp finale and production! Like all scripture, Ezekiel is God breathed and useful for our instruction and full of Gospel encouragement. Below may you be encouraged as I have merged a few of the memory verses from Ezekiel with some modified Gospel prayers from Scotty Smith.
Ezekiel 14:11 – “I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”
Most gracious and Almighty God, supersize the chambers of my heart so I might take in more of the wonder of this good news. You have drawn me to yourself with an unfailing, irresistible, powerful love—not because of anything in me, but because of everything in you. And now, because of what you have done for me in Jesus—once and for all, you love me with an unwavering, everlasting love. I cannot add to your love for me, and I cannot take away from it; because it’s not about me, it’s all about Jesus. I’m undone with peace.
Ezekiel 36:26 “I will give you a new heart and put a new Spirit in you.”
Most loving and gracious God, how often do I forget that you have given me a new heart and the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit. And when I forget, I start acting like a spiritual orphan, and I fall back into fear, and some form of self-salvation or performance-ism. Thank you for giving me your Spirit, Father. You sent him into my heart to constantly remind me that I am your beloved child. I’m not my own; I’m yours. Hallelujah! The Spirit is also faithfully at work in my life to make me like Jesus, for there’s no other way that could ever happen. Thank you, Father, thank you!
Ezekiel 48:35 “And the name of the city from that time on will be: THE LORD IS THERE.”
Father, thank you, thank you, thank you for the promise of your perpetual presence. Though I do my best to wander from you, you make your home with me. When I’m afraid to be alone, you won’t let me be. When I want to be alone, you won’t let me be. When I need you to come through for me, you will. When it feels like you’re not coming through for me, you are. When I’m discouraged, you don’t despise, chide me, or revile me; you enter, engage, and encourage me. When I’m afraid you don’t say, “Buck up, be strong,” you say, “I understand, I’m here.” I praise and adore you.
What great and precious promises we have throughout the scriptures.